Cannabis is Changing the World and Tabitha Fritz is Helping to Make It Happe‪n‬


Fritz’s founder Tabitha Fritz was featured on Sapna Malhotra of ‘Always Curious at the School of Life’ on their CanInnovate podcast.

Episode summary

Tabitha always worked in different kinds of jobs, across different industries, and in varied roles but the one thing all her jobs have had in common is that she always work to help people get smarter about themselves, so they can make their own best decisions for life. The cannabis industry was really the first place where she felt like she fit- not necessarily because of cannabis, but really because it’s a place for pioneers, and she really likes doing things first, before anyone else has had a chance to do it.

This is for those that are curious about the Cannabis industry. Here are some points that Tabitha and I talked about in this episode:

  • Stigmas around Cannabis
  • Edibles – what is legal & what’s not
  • Therapeutic Benefits
  • Women’s Health Benefits from Cannabis – I had zero clue
  • Controversial topics such as Sex & Cannabis and she’s currently doing research
  • Cannabis & Parenting – how to talk to your kids.
  • Tips for if you’re a newbie and some best practices

Tabitha Fritz was nominated as a trailblazer, challenging the norm from Steven Looi, both a podcast guest and listener. We had Steven on the podcast talking about the Cannabis Industry on episode 18. Seems like a lifetime ago. Steven always knows the movers and shakers in the Cannabis Industry. Tabitha sleeps soundly at night knowing that cannabis is changing the world, and she’s helping to make that happen.

Hear the episode here.

About CanInnovate

CanInnovate focuses on providing you with timeless professional development secrets & essential business life skills in a mini-byte sized format. Sapna Malhotra of ‘Always Curious at the School of Life’ unlocks the vault and shares best practices that management consultants have been using for decades. CanInnovate podcast is bringing global thought leaders together to provide their best practices to help you succeed in both business and in life. We are unapologetically curious!




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